Wednesday, November 26, 2008


As we move into this Holiday season I get a bit sentimental of seasons past and of friends and loved ones that I have'nt seen in a long while. I recently opened up a photo album that contained thousands of pictures of years past. Its a mixed blessing to document all my activities thru the years. I feel like Ive done so much in the past but i also feel as if its a gauge of what i should be doing. Its wrong to feel that way but I guess i can relate it to the way you can video tape yourself at the worst party ever and in your mind you say to yourself "This Party Sucks Ass" and then a few days later you look back at the tape and someone sees it and thinks you were at a rocking party. Its an illusion that the camera creates that can tweak your brain into thinking things were better than they really were. I know Ive been there and the memories fade or what you felt when the picture was taken disappears. You look at that photo and in your mind you can say that she was looking at you with adoring eyes but in reality she was really looking at her reflection in the lens. In the long run it doesnt matter. No one will really care about that photo, its about the person in front of you because you cant hug a memory, not yet at least.

1 comment:

Hell Yup! said...

Buffa's was solid...